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Chrytatywna Choinka




Schronisko dla Bezdomnych Zwierząt Zbożne

Hello, I'm Ozzy and I'm a senior dog. I ended up at the shelter in a near-death condition. Before that, I wandered around the countryside for a very long time, looking for food, unfortunately without success. One morning I didn't even have the strength to get up anymore, so all I was waiting for was death. I was also bald - my body was covered with one big crust, caused by scabies. In the shelter I was surrounded by love, someone finally began to care about me. I was important to someone, so I gained the wil to live, we fought for my health together and ... I succeeded. To this day I am struggling with allergic reactions, so my carers ask for large amounts of grain-free food for me, which does not sensitize me.

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